Tuesday, February 26, 2008

BA #4

1. Datlow, Ellen and Terri Windling. Snow White, Blood Red. New York. HarperCollins, 1993.



2. The text, in short, is amazing. Snow White, Blood Red is a collection of Fairy Tales that defies everything you know – or what Disney has led you to believe. These collections of short stories tell you the real fairy tales that you and how cruel or odd they really are. They almost take on a kind of Brothers Grimm aspect as some of them are so dark. This book I would say does fall into fantasy minus all the fairy godmothers and glamour.

3. The most intriguing part of this whole book for me was that these are Fairy Tales the way they are meant to be told not just Disney cover-ups for little tots.

4. Since there are so many stories in this book, I am going to only focus on one called, “Like a Red, Red Rose” by Susan Wade. It’s about a beautiful girl who happens to be the daughter of the town witch. All in all, the prince falls in love with her and they make love in the forest. After this, the prince dies. I am relating this to “What lips my lips have kissed” by Milay. Even though the poem and story are very different, what I found similar is that in “what lips my lips” the speaker is almost lamenting over past lovers and how they no longer come to see her and then in “Like a Red, Red Rose” after making love to the prince and having him die from that the girl takes no more lovers and is constantly reminded of him through a child that was conceived that night.

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